June 12, 2019
June 11, 2019
NACWA and the WateReuse Association submitted comments on June 7 to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the application of the Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program to the release of pollutants that originate from a point source, but are conveyed to navigable waters by a nonpoint source such as groundwater [84 Fed. Reg. 16810 (Apr. 23, 2019)].
June 11, 2019
President Trump signed a long-awaited legislative package (H.R. 2157) on June 6, which provides $19.1 Billion in supplemental disaster relief to states and communities impacted by recent natural disasters. These include Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, and wildfires and earthquakes that occurred in 2018.
June 11, 2019
NACWA, along with the Water Environment Federation, the American Water Works Association, and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, met with various individuals representing the solid waste and recycling sectors on June 4 in an effort to foster a continued dialogue that public wastewater treatment facilities and landfills are passive receivers, and not sources, of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
June 11, 2019
EPA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced a Memorandum of Understanding last week to streamline coordination between FEMA and the EPA-funded State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs, allowing the SRFs to help restore vital water infrastructure more rapidly during times of disaster.
June 11, 2019
NACWA and several member utilities joined the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) in a June 3 meeting with EPA to discuss the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. EPA attendees included Clint Woods, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation, and Jeff Lape, Deputy Director of the Office of Water’s Office of Science and Technology.
June 11, 2019
In comments submitted on June 6, NACWA supported EPA’s proposed label language for chlorine gas used as an antimicrobial in swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas. Since excess chlorine can potentially interfere with the biological processes used to treat wastewater or have adverse aquatic impacts if discharged into storm drains, the Association agreed with EPA’s proposed instructions: “Before draining a treated pool, spa, hot tub, or fountain, contact your local sanitary sewer and storm drain authorities and follow their discharge instructions.”
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
June 6, 2019
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
KC Water recognizes that good quality water is everyone’s business and that educating young people is a great way to spread the message of sustainable water use and raise awareness about the role individuals play in preventing stormwater pollution. The program is free and is available to schools within the KC Water ratepayer boundaries.
June 4, 2019
The Association and its hundreds of public clean water agency members across the country are mourning the victims, many of whom were public utility employees, of the shooting late last week in Virginia Beach, VA. The senseless attack took the lives of 12 people.
June 4, 2019
After a weeklong Memorial Day work period, Congress gets back to work this week in DC for what is expected to be a busy summer ahead. In the House, several Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) appropriations bills are anticipated to come before the full chamber for a vote, including the Interior & Environment Appropriations bill, which passed through the committee in late May.
June 4, 2019
NACWA’s specialty conference for clean water communicators, Strategic Communications:H2O (StratComm), convened in Cleveland, OH this week, with more than 120 participants from all over the country—the largest turnout ever in its three year history.