- Advocacy Alerts
Advocacy Priorities
- Environmental Justice
- Biosolids
- Communications
- Climate Adaptation & Resiliency
- Nutrients & Farm Bill
- Infrastructure Funding & Affordability
- Integrated Planning
- Stormwater
- Toilets Are Not Trashcans
- Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds
- Affordable Water, Resilient Communities Campaign
- CWA-SDWA Intersection
- Water Resources Utility of the Future
- Water Quantity/Water Quality Nexus
- Congressional Toolbox
- Legislative Updates
- Regulatory Updates
- Communications Updates
- Litigation Tracking
The effectiveness of NACWA’s advocacy efforts depend significantly on a robust communications strategy. While our advocacy messaging is primarily directed toward government officials, agencies and policymakers, the effectiveness of that messaging is determined in large part by how it reaches – and impacts – the general public.
NACWA’s advocacy efforts are focused on achieving beneficial policy for clean water utilities, the professionals that keep them running and all the communities that depend on clean water. Accordingly, NACWA’s advocacy communications must engage the public through every available medium, from national media outlets to Beltway and trade press coverage, to social media, and new and disruptive media channels.
Additionally, NACWA is committed to providing support and peer-to-peer sharing opportunities for its utility members to grow their own communications programs and increase their reach and influence. NACWA’s member utilities are anchor institutions within their own communities, and it is crucial that they tell their story loud and proud.
Whether the purpose is to tell the stories of clean water utilities, organize platforms for concerned citizens to gather, to be heard and share ideas, or to share best practices among public clean water utilities -- NACWA's communications advocacy is a vital component of the Association’s overall advocacy priorities.
Issue-Based Advocacy Communications
As the nation’s recognized leader in clean water advocacy, NACWA must constantly find effective ways to communicate the most relevant clean water issues to the public, and more importantly, point out the ramifications of those issues as they pertain to public policy and implementation.
To accomplish this, NACWA is dedicated to using all its resources to clearly define and analyze the public affairs issues impacting the clean water landscape, and to communicate fact-based messaging that will advance clean water advocacy priorities on both the local and national levels.
Media Outreach
In addition to its commitment to advocating to legislative, regulatory, and legal rulemaking bodies on clean water public policies, NACWA is also dedicated to being a top technical resource in water quality, water management, and sustainable ecosystem protection.
With this foundation, NACWA staff will continue to be available to serve as an expert resource to all media covering clean water issues, particularly as they relate to public policy making.
Click here for the NACWA’s latest Press Releases, News and Publications.
Member Utility Networking
One of NACWA’s greatest strengths is the collaboration of its member agencies. With this guiding value, NACWA is committed to using its communications resources—such as its Communications & Public Relations Committee and its Engage Forum, NACWA’s online clean water community—to enhance peer-to-peer networking among its members nationwide, and to helping ensure that each member agency has the tools necessary to provide affordable, sustainable clean water for all communities. Our vision is to represent every utility as a NACWA member, helping to build a strong and sustainable clean water future.
Community Relations
Ultimately, NACWA's membership exists to provide access to affordable clean water to all communities. Seen through this lens, NACWA’s communications platform is focused on helping member agencies develop positive media relationships in the communities they serve; understanding that public clean water issues affect every household.
- Engage Forum – NACWA’s Online Clean Water Community
- Clean Water Advocate Magazine
- Clean Water Current - Newsletter
- Strategic Communications: H2O – NACWA’s Annual Clean Water Communications Event
- NACWA Press Releases
- NACWA White Papers & Other Publications
- Communications Toolkit for PFAS and Biosolids