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The Excellence in Management (EIM) Recognition Program will be on hold until 2026. The NACWA Awards Committee is reviewing this program based on updates to the Effective Utility Management Attributes.
The Excellence in Management Program was launched in 2003 to acknowledge the significant achievements of NACWA Member Agencies in the utility management arena. This program honors member agencies that are implementing management practices that address the range of challenges identified in the Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities.
NACWA’s EIM Program was enhanced in 2012 with the addition of the Resource Efficiency & Protection Activities to the 10 Attributes of an Effectively Managed Utility and the incorporation of Platinum, Gold, and Silver recognition for both large and small utilities. These changes marked the beginning of a new level of recognition.
Additional information can be found in the recently updated January 2017 Effective Utility Management Primer.
Recognition will be provided based on the following criteria:
Platinum Recognition
The Utility has fully implemented or has taken substantive steps to implement a total of nine of the Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities.
Gold Recognition
The Utility has fully implemented or has taken substantive steps to implement a total of seven of the Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities.
Silver Recognition
The Utility has fully implemented or has taken substantive steps to implement a total of five of the Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities.