  • Is Your State Looking into PFAS in Biosolids?

    April 15, 2019
  • State & Regional Call Scheduled for April 30

    April 15, 2019
  • Spring 2019 Legislative Update

    April 12, 2019
  • Fly-In Sets Attendance Record, Marks High-Impact Water Week

    April 10, 2019
    The 2019 National Water Policy Fly-In set a record for attendance and participation last week as more than 320+ participants—most traveling to Washington, DC from other regions across the country—taking to Capitol Hill, and conducting hundreds of consequential face-to-face meetings with lawmakers and staffers in many congressional offices. The event served as an excellent anchor piece for Water Week 2019
  • EPA Task Force Seeks Experts on Stormwater Funding and Financing, Members Encouraged to Apply

    April 10, 2019
    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested nominations, on April 3, to the Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB) on stormwater funding and financing. In response to congressional requirements in the 2018 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), EPA is establishing a Stormwater Task Force within EFAB and is seeking input on stormwater funding opportunities and examples.
  • Early Bird Registration Deadline for 2019 NACWA Utility Leadership Conference Almost Here!

    April 10, 2019
    The Early Bird registration for NACWA’s 2019 Utility Leadership Conference is April 16 – hurry and register today to take advantage of discounted registration! The last decade has brought about significant changes – from the national level and the growing partisan divide, to the local level where utilities are playing an increasing-visible role in their communities. Challenges involving workforce, rate setting and affordability, and community and customer engagement are playing out both nationally and locally, putting utility executives in a position that presents both challenges and opportunities.
  • NACWA Discusses Clean Water Advocacy at Texas Water 2019

    April 10, 2019
    NACWA presented at the Texas Water 2019 conference in Houston, TX last week during Water Week 2019, providing a national update on the Association’s legislative, regulatory, and legal advocacy efforts, which include recent efforts on federal funding, blending, water reuse, PFAS, and Clean Water Act liability for discharges into groundwater.
  • NACWA, WEF & WRF Discuss Biosolids Program with EPA

    April 10, 2019
    NACWA members and staff, along with the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the Water Research Foundation (WRF), met with senior EPA Office of Water officials on April 4, during Water Week 2019, to discuss current and future challenges facing the biosolids program.
  • Water Office Chief Highlights Non-Regulatory Programs as Priorities

    April 10, 2019
    The first afternoon of the National Water Policy Fly-In featured speakers from EPA’s Office of Water. Dave Ross, Assistant Administrator for the Office, kicked off the program by stressing the value of the partnership EPA has with the water sector, and thanking the audience of water professionals for all the work they do to protect human health and the environment. Noting the activity of his office directors in managing a number of rulemakings and other initiatives, Ross chose to highlight three non-regulatory programs as the top issues on his mind at the moment.
  • Wet Weather Partnership Conference to Address Key Water Issues

    April 10, 2019
    The annual Wet Weather Partnership conference is just around the corner and features an agenda tackling issues around cooperative federalism, integrated planning, and smart watersheds.
  • New and Improved Clean Water Current Coming Your Way!

    April 10, 2019
    The Clean Water Current is getting an upgrade! NACWA is currently working on a new design for our weekly flagship newsletter to provide you with an improved reading experience and even more relevant information for your clean water work.
  • One Solution For Wastewater Brain Drain? Increase Pay

    April 2, 2019
  • Stopping the Flow of Cyber Breaches

    April 2, 2019
  • Northam announces Environmental Excellence Awards winners

    April 2, 2019
  • Localities challenged to meet stormwater reductions

    April 2, 2019
  • Water Week is Here, Join the Discussion on Social Media!

    April 2, 2019
    Hundreds of NACWA members, water sector leaders and water professionals from around the country are arriving in Washington DC this week to advocate with Congress and key national policy makers for clean water.
  • EPA Testifies Before Senate on PFAS

    April 2, 2019
    The US Senate’s Committee on Environmental and Public Works (EPW) held a hearing on March 28, entitled “Examining the Federal Response to the Risks Associated with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS).” David Ross, Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Water, testified along with Maureen Sullivan, Dr. Patrick Breysse, and Dr. Linda Birnbaum with the Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Institute of Health, respectively.
  • NACWA Discusses Integrated Planning with EPA

    April 2, 2019
  • Congress Advances Nonpoint Source Grants Legislation

    April 2, 2019
    The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee marked up H.R. 1331 on March 27, which is a bill to reauthorize the Sec. 319 Nonpoint Source Grants Program. This legislation was sponsored by Committee Members Reps. Angie Craig (D-MN) and Brian Mast (R-FL).
  • Washington, DC Proposes Nation’s First Wipes Regulation

    April 2, 2019
    The first regulation of flushable wipes in the U.S. has been proposed by the District of Columbia (DC) Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE). DOEE was required to develop these regulations by the District’s wipes labeling law, the Nonwoven Disposable Products Act of 2016.
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