An early warning system for coronavirus infections could be found in your toilet
May 4, 2020 -
More people at home means problems for Alexander City sewer system
May 4, 2020 -
An early warning system for coronavirus infections could be found in your toilet
May 4, 2020 -
SVSU Examining Wastewater to Track Prevalence of COVID-19
May 4, 2020 -
Is It Safe to Come Out of Lockdown? Check the Sewer
May 4, 2020 -
Think those wipes are flushable? Think again
May 4, 2020 -
More people at home means problems for Alexander City sewer system
May 1, 2020 -
Water Week Elevates the Importance of Water During COVID-19 Pandemic
May 1, 2020Today marks the end of Water Week 2020 and caps an incredibly successful week of education and advocacy that brought together thousands of water stakeholders from across the country to highlight the importance of clean, safe and reliable water. -
U.S. Senate Returning to Washington; Scope of Additional Stimulus Under Debate
May 1, 2020The U.S. Senate plans to return to session in Washington, D.C. on Monday, May 4th as Congress continues to negotiate a path forward on coronavirus response. -
Federal Reserve Revises COVID-19 Municipal Lending Program, Includes More Eligible Entities
May 1, 2020The Federal Reserve announced April 27 that it will expand the eligibility criteria for local governments regarding its purchase of municipal debt to help with cashflow challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic -
EPA Extends Comment Period for PFOA/PFOS Regulatory Determination
May 1, 2020After receiving various requests, on April 30, EPA extended the comment period by thirty days on the proposed regulatory determination for eight contaminants listed on the forthcoming Contaminant Candidate List (CCL), including PFOA/PFOS. -
Clean Water Community Remembers Thomas Lauro
May 1, 2020Members of the public clean water sector in New York and across the country are remembering Thomas Lauro, former Commissioner of the Westchester County (New York) Department of Environmental Facilities, who passed away from complications related to COVID-19 on April 22. -
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Uses Collaboration to Protect Watershed Health
May 1, 2020The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) provides water and wastewater service to the greater Albuquerque metropolitan area of central New Mexico, managing a 2,400-mile collection system and treating more than 50 million gallons of wastewater every day. The agency established the Albuquerque Area Watershed Collaboration Program to build partnerships to help protect watershed health. With support from local, state and federal agencies, the utility encourages collaboration with forest managers, local stormwater managers, regulatory agencies, educators, environmental groups, agricultural interests, and the general public. -
Water Authority not raising rates during coronavirus pandemic
April 30, 2020 -
Water Authority not raising rates during coronavirus pandemic
April 30, 2020 -
Coronavirus New Jersey: Officials Asking Residents Not Flush Disposable Wipes After Increase In Debris Clogging Sewer Pipes In Camden County
April 30, 2020 -
Flushing of coronavirus wipes, gloves and masks clogs sewer treatment plants
April 30, 2020 -
April 2020 Regulatory Update
April 30, 2020 -
EXCLUSIVE: An interview with Fatberg, Tampa’s big sewage clog
April 29, 2020 -
Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) and Non-Flushable Wipes Cause Problems at Pump Stations and Private Residences or Businesses
April 29, 2020