NACWA Praises Water Professionals as Heroes, First Responders through Social Media Campaigns
April 10, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic has offered NACWA and its members the chance to highlight the importance of the water sector and its workforce. Beginning at the onset of the pandemic, NACWA launched the hashtag #H20Heroes on Twitter to acknowledge its water professionals standing on the frontline of this crises. -
Small & Mid-Size Utility Executives Connect On COVID-19
April 10, 2020NACWA’s Small and Mid-Size Utility Executive Workgroup hosted a call on April 6 as a follow-up to the Association’s COVID-19 Webinar. Nearly 50 utility executives came together to discuss best practices and continuity of operation resources as well as financial implications related to the coronavirus pandemic. -
NACWA Asks EPA to Evaluate Down-the-Drain Impacts of Pet Flea Pesticide
April 10, 2020In recent comments, NACWA asked EPA to consider aquatic impacts of pet flea shampoos and treatments that contain methoprene, a chemical that is used in pet flea treatments. -
Flushable wipes causing headaches for sewer systems
April 9, 2020 -
Heyburn officials say 'flushable' wipes and even shirts are causing problems in the sewer system
April 9, 2020 -
A green solution to an aging stormwater system
April 9, 2020 -
Your Poop Might Be Key For Predicting the End of the Pandemic
April 9, 2020 -
Commentary: Heroes behind the scenes working to keep the public safe
April 9, 2020 -
Covid-19 Crisis Could Decimate Water Utility Revenue, Worsen Affordability Problems
April 8, 2020 -
An Air Force base in California is learning the hard way why you shouldn't flush flushable wipes
April 8, 2020 -
Baby wipes, towelettes, disinfecting sheets? Don’t flush ’em
April 8, 2020 -
Hackney entrepreneur makes elite Forbes list after inventing ‘truly flushable’ wet wipes
April 7, 2020 -
Millions in US at risk of 'water shutoffs' amid layoffs triggered by pandemic
April 7, 2020 -
‘Flushable’ wipes clog sewer pipes, officials say
April 7, 2020 -
‘Flushable Wipes’ Bust Flush for Wastewater Treatment
April 7, 2020 -
As the US struggles with lack of coronavirus testing, researchers look to our sewage for clues
April 7, 2020 -
Officials: Wipes are harmful to sewer system
April 6, 2020 -
’Flushable’ wet wipes cause sewer backups, MSD says
April 6, 2020 -
'Think before you flush': Only use toilet paper, municipalities and agencies plead
April 6, 2020 -
Hey, Louisville, quit flushing wipes down the toilet. You're backing up the sewer lines
April 6, 2020