October 2, 2018
NACWA is again partnering on the American Water Summit 2018 event, which convenes on October 24-26 in Philadelphia, PA. The Summit will feature presentations from several NACWA Board members and other utility and affiliate members, including: Andy Kricun, Executive Director, Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority; David Gadis, General Manager and CEO, DC Water; Kishia Powell, Commissioner, City of Atlanta's Department of Watershed Management; Kevin Shafer, Executive Director, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District; Harlan Kelly, General Manager, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission; and Karen Pallansch, CEO, Alexandria Renew Enterprises.
October 2, 2018
As NACWA continues its effort to facilitate peer-to-peer member engagement and to remain a widely accessible source for expert technical information, the Association is pleased to announce that official communications of its various Committees will be moving to the Engage™ platform. Engage™ is NACWA’s online interactive community, forum and resource-sharing site.
October 2, 2018
NACWA members played a prominent role at WEFTEC2018 this week in New Orleans, helping to promote and advance key clean water priorities.
September 25, 2018
NACWA staff met with top advisors for Office of Water Assistant Administrator Dave Ross on September 21 to discuss nutrient-related issues and to begin a dialogue on other NACWA advocacy priorities.
September 25, 2018
With federal Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) set to begin on October 1, the House is expected to vote on, and pass, an appropriations package this week which includes temporary funding of all federal agencies that have not yet received appropriations from Congress for FY19.
September 25, 2018
NACWA highlighted incorrect assumptions on a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) procedural notice related to the Clean Air Act rules for sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) in comments that were filed September 19.
September 25, 2018
NACWA recently submitted comments on a proposed rulemaking by the US Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that would revise the Endangered Species Act (ESA). As outlined in the comments, NACWA believes these changes would benefit member agencies with a more efficient process in relevant regulatory activities, such as reviews of water quality standards.
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018