February 12, 2019
NACWA joined with more than 100 organizations across the infrastructure spectrum last week — representing transportation, water, airports and many more — to underscore the need for strong legislative progress on key infrastructure issues.
February 12, 2019
NACWA’s 2019 Winter Conference took place last week in Albuquerque, New Mexico and featured engaging discussions around the intersection of clean water and drinking water policy issues, especially the federal Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act.
February 12, 2019
The House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee and the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee have announced the final water subcommittee assignments for the 116th Congress.
NACWA utilities represented by any of these Members of Congress are encouraged to reach out to your elected officials and ensure the officials understand your key policy priorities. NACWA’s Congressional Toolbox is a helpful resource to do this.
February 12, 2019
Prior to the five-week federal government shutdown, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of the Army had scheduled a public hearing in Kansas City, KS for those interested in presenting data, views, or information regarding the pre-publication Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rulemaking.
February 12, 2019
Registration is now open for the National Water Policy Fly-In — convening April 3 – 4 in Washington, DC — which serves as the anchor event for Water Week 2019. As has been made clear in recent weeks from comments by President Trump and congressional leaders, there is strong interest in Washington to advance a bipartisan infrastructure package.
But in order to ensure that any package includes water as a top priority, it is critical that policy-makers hear directly from you about the specific challenges facing your utility and community.
February 12, 2019
Top officials in EPA’s Office of Water are looking to jump-start work on market-based programs, including water quality trading, in an effort to address nutrient-related and other types of water pollution across the country.
David Ross, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water, issued a memorandum on February 6 to the Regional Administrators for the Agency’s ten regional offices “updating” EPA policy on water quality trading, and outlining six “Market-Based Principles” that are intended to facilitate broader adoption of such programs.
February 6, 2019
Director of Charlotte Water, Angela Lee, will testify this week on behalf of NACWA and the Water Environment Federation (WEF), in front of the full House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee regarding the needs of the clean water sector.
February 6, 2019
Within hours of getting back to work after the longest federal government shutdown in history, EPA released its Year in Review for 2018, which provides a high-level summary of the Agency’s accomplishments during 2018 across all of its programs. The document also includes accomplishment summaries for each of the ten EPA Regions.
February 6, 2019
President Trump called for a broad infrastructure investment package in his State of the Union address last night, again raising the possibility of an infrastructure bill that could gain bipartisan support.
February 6, 2019
NACWA submitted comments January 29 on three pesticides undergoing registration review by EPA, recommending changes to labeling of the products to better protect wastewater treatment, the aquatic environment, and collection system workers.
February 6, 2019
EPA released a pre-publication version of its proposed Fiscal Year 2020 – 2023 National Compliance Initiatives this week, and the proposal includes some important positive developments for the public clean water utility sector. Most notably, the proposal moves away from a focus on addressing sewer overflows via enforcement and encourages them to be addressed via the Clean Water Act permitting process.
February 6, 2019
NACWA delivered an address, on February 4, before the National Rural Water Association’s (NRWA) Board of Directors as part of Association’s Washington, DC Capitol Hill Rally.
February 6, 2019
NACWA was thrilled to be a sponsor and active participant at last week’s 2019 VerdeXchange meeting in Los Angeles.
January 29, 2019
Congress and the President agreed late last week to end the five-week partial federal government shutdown and re-open under a three-week continuing resolution (CR) that will temporarily fund the government, including EPA, until February 15.
January 29, 2019
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied, on January 17, the environmental groups’ request for rehearing en banc of the Tennessee Clean Water Network v. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) case.
January 29, 2019
Registration is now open for the National Water Policy Fly-in—convening April 3 – 4 in Washington, DC—the highlight event of Water Week 2019, which runs March 31 – April 6.
January 29, 2019
Now that the Federal Government shutdown has ended, EPA is moving forward with two timely webinars.
EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center is hosting a webinar on Thursday, January 31, 2019 on Leading-Edge Stormwater Financing: Improving Return on Stormwater Investments with Crediting and Pay-For-Performance Approaches. Expert panelists including Chad Praul, Erik Michelsen, Dave Smith, and Mo Minkara will discuss stormwater crediting and how communities can get more for their stormwater dollar.
January 29, 2019
The Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) Utility Management Committee, through its Delivery Sub-Committee, is conducting a survey to help support utilities as they develop and implement Capital Improvement Programs (CIP).
January 29, 2019
NACWA provided an important national advocacy perspective during the Government Affairs Committee meeting at the Annual Conference of the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA), which convened on January 28, in Boston, MA.
January 22, 2019
(January 22, 2019) - The current EPA Acting Administrator, Andrew Wheeler, returned to the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee last week to testify before Senators at his confirmation hearing. President Trump formally nominated Mr. Wheeler earlier this year to lead the Agency, where he has been Acting Administrator since his predecessor, Scott Pruitt, resigned in July 2018.