
Clean Water Current

  • Senate Resolution Commemorates 50 Years of Progress Since Cuyahoga River Fire

    August 7, 2019
    The Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution last week sponsored by Sens. Brown (D-OH) and Portman (R-OH) marking 50 years of environmental progress since the Cuyahoga River on June 22nd, 1969, which helped serve as the impetus for the Clean Water Act (CWA).
  • NACWA Member Input Requested for Green Infrastructure Survey

    August 7, 2019
    The Kresge Foundation and Spring Point Partners are working on a research project examining the use of green infrastructure (GI) to control municipal stormwater runoff, especially in low-income, climate vulnerable communities, and are interested in learning more information from NACWA members about this practice.
  • NACWA Continues Communication with Hill on PFAS Issue

    July 31, 2019
    With Congress heading out of DC for its August recess, NACWA and other water sector groups continue meeting with congressional staff regarding the proper path forward on PFAS legislation that takes into account potential unintended consequences on public clean water utilities.
  • NACWA Meets with EPA Water Chief

    July 31, 2019
    NACWA met this week with David Ross, EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Water, and other senior staff from the Office of Water to discuss a number of the Association’s advocacy priorities including affordability and water quality issues.
  • Court Remands General Nutrient Variance to State Agency to Revise Timeline

    July 31, 2019
    A federal district court issued a ruling July 16 in a case brought by environmental groups, which challenged the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) approval of Montana’s general nutrient variance for municipal dischargers.
  • As Congress Adjourns for August Recess, NACWA Member Engagement Locally is Critical

    July 31, 2019
    Members of the US House of Representatives passed a sweeping two-year budget deal last week, before adjourning to leave Washington, DC and head back to their home districts for the August recess.
  • Top House Democrat Questions EPA on Blending Rule

    July 31, 2019
    The Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), sent a letter to EPA yesterday expressing concern over EPA’s current efforts to develop a rule on peak wet weather flow blending at publicly owned treatment works and asking EPA for more information on the practice.
  • Congress to Vote on Budget Deal, More Money for EPA Programs Likely

    July 24, 2019
    Congress is set to vote in the coming days on a sweeping two-year budget deal that will raise the federal debt limit until mid-2021 and increase current spending caps put in place by the 2011 Budget Control Act by $320 billion over the next two years.
  • NACWA's Utility Leadership Conference Focuses on Emerging Executive Leadership Challenges

    July 24, 2019
    NACWA’s 2019 Utility Leadership Conference drew more than 200 participants last week to Minneapolis, MN to discuss a variety of emerging utility leadership challenges – including workforce, rate setting and affordability, and community and customer engagement – and how today’s clean water utility executives can best positions themselves to adapt to these challenges at both the national and local levels.
  • Interest in WIFIA Program Outstrips Available Funding

    July 24, 2019
    EPA announced last week that it has received 51 requests in the third round of funding for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program totaling $6.6 billion, which exceeds the $6 billion EPA has available in funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. This demonstrates the critical need for investment in our nation’s water infrastructure and the strong interest in the WIFIA program.
  • PFAS Legislation Passes House, NACWA to Push for Changes

    July 17, 2019
    The US House of Representatives passed PFAS legislation last week, as part of the annual National Defense Authorization (NDAA) bill, that has potential serious consequences for public clean water utilities.
  • EPA Reiterates Importance of States Taking Lead on Enforcement Issues

    July 17, 2019
    EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance released a memo last week further empowering states to take the lead on environmental enforcement issues, furthering EPA’s efforts to place states in the lead of enforcement actions.
  • NACWA Hosts Call with State & Regional Partners

    July 17, 2019
    NACWA held its quarterly conference call with its State and Regional Partners on July 11. The group heard from the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) regarding their efforts to push non-flushable wipes legislation at the state level and the testing and grassroots initiatives they are engaging in between sessions.
  • NACWA Speaks to Arkansas Utility Leaders

    July 17, 2019
    NACWA was honored to be invited to speak at the Arkansas Water & Wastewater Managers Association’s (AWWMA) Annual Conference last week to learn about the Arkansas clean water sector’s priorities and challenges, and to present a national update on NACWA’s advocacy priorities.
  • NACWA Urges Members to Contact Congress as House Considers Effluent Limits, Hazardous Substance Designation for PFAS

    July 10, 2019
    As Congress returns from its July 4th Recess, the U.S. House of Representatives has increased its focus on PFAS, including legislative language that has potential serious consequences for public clean water utilities. Immediate NACWA utility action to contact Members of the House is critical to address these concerns.
  • Supreme Court Sets Date for Groundwater Litigation Arguments

    July 10, 2019
    The US Supreme Court has announced it will hear oral arguments November 6 in a closely watched case over whether pollutants that travel via groundwater can be regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
  • NACWA Provides Input on EPA Oil & Gas Wastewater Study

    July 10, 2019
    NACWA submitted comments to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week on EPA’s Study of Oil and Gas Extraction Wastewater Management, which considered the current management practices for wastewater generated by both conventional and unconventional (“fracking”) oil and gas extraction from onshore facilities.
  • NACWA Asks EPA to Clarify Pretreatment Sampling Requirements

    July 10, 2019
    NACWA sent a letter to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on July 2, requesting assistance in clarifying influent and effluent sampling requirements for pretreatment programs of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs).
  • Report Details Conservation Effectiveness in Upper Mississippi River Basin

    July 10, 2019
    A new report by the Northeast-Midwest Institute assesses the implementation of a federally funded conservation program, with a particular concentration on its potential to improve water quality, focusing on a set of locations across the Upper Mississippi River Basin.
  • PFAS Package Passes Senate

    July 2, 2019
    A major bipartisan effort to address PFAS chemicals advanced last week, as a package of bills that had been passed by the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee was successfully attached to the Senate’s National Defense Authorization Act. The Defense bill passed the Senate on an 86-8 vote.
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