
Clean Water Current

  • Legislation Introduced to Designate PFAS as Hazardous Substances

    March 5, 2019
    Bipartisan legislation has been introduced in both the Senate and House of Representatives that requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to designate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
  • EPA Enforcement Chief Testifies Before House Subcommittee

    March 5, 2019
    The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing on Tuesday, February 26 titled, EPA's Enforcement Program: Taking the Environmental Cop Off the Beat.
  • Andrew Wheeler Confirmed to Become Permanent EPA Administrator; NACWA Meets with Senior OWM Staff

    March 5, 2019
    The Senate voted last week to confirm Andrew Wheeler as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, in a mostly party line vote of 52-47. Wheeler had been serving as the acting administrator since July 2018.
  • NACWA Hosts Discussion on FDA Pharmaceutical “Flush List”

    March 5, 2019
    NACWA hosted a February 27 meeting of water sector associations and other groups interested in advocating for changing the Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) recommended disposal options for certain pharmaceuticals.
  • NACWA Discusses Affordability & Funding with California Members; Supports DC Water in Oversight Hearing

    March 5, 2019
    NACWA spoke as part of a panel of experts last week at the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) annual DC member Fly-In.
  • Fly-In Hotel Deadline Less Than a Week Away – Register Now!

    March 5, 2019
    The March 11 deadline to make hotel reservations for the National Water Policy Fly-In is just around the corner – make your plans now to attend!
  • NACWA Talks Nutrients with Farm Bureau; Members Encouraged to Review New Trading Memo

    February 26, 2019
    NACWA met with farmers from across the country February 21, during a meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation in Washington, DC. As part of an ongoing dialogue with national agriculture groups, the conversation focused on how to incentivize clean water agencies and farmers to work together at the watershed level to address water quality impacts caused by nutrients.
  • Rule Prohibits Hazardous Waste Pharmaceutical Flushing; Join NACWA’s Toilets Are Not Trashcans Campaign!

    February 26, 2019
    A final rule published by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the February 22 Federal Register prohibits healthcare facilities from disposing of unused hazardous waste pharmaceuticals by flushing or pouring down the drain into sewer systems. Previously, the domestic sewage exclusion of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) allowed flushing of these types of pharmaceuticals.
  • National Academies of Science Report Calls for More Industrial Stormwater Monitoring

    February 26, 2019
    he National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) released a new report on Improving the EPA Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Stormwater Discharges. Although this report focuses on the nationwide multi-sector general permit (MSGP) for industrial stormwater, there are some interesting aspects that municipal stormwater utilities should be aware of.
  • NACWA Provides Feedback to EPA on Draft Water Reuse Action Plan

    February 26, 2019
    EPA reached out to NACWA in December of 2018 for comments and feedback on its draft Water Reuse Action Plan. NACWA submitted comments last week focused on the fact that water reuse and recycling regulatory efforts have been traditionally maintained at the state level and must continue without federal regulatory intervention.
  • March 11 Hotel Deadline for Policy Fly-In Almost Here – Register Now!

    February 26, 2019
    The March 11 deadline to make hotel reservations for the National Water Policy Fly-In is almost here – make your plans now to attend and don’t miss this critical advocacy event!
  • FY19 Spending Bill Becomes Law, Maintains Increased Funding for Clean Water Programs

    February 19, 2019
    Over four months into the 2019 Fiscal Year (FY) and on the heels of the longest government shutdown in US history, Congress last week agreed on a bipartisan spending bill that will fund the government, including EPA, for the remainder of FY 2019, ending September 30. President Trump signed the bill into law on February 15.
  • EPA Finalizes NPDES Updates Rule

    February 19, 2019
    EPA published a final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Updates Rule on February 12, deferring action, for now, on the more controversial items that the Agency was exploring in early proposals.
  • PFAS Action Plan Lays Out Federal Strategy

    February 19, 2019
    EPA unveiled its much anticipated Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Action Plan on February 14, which highlights how the Agency will tackle growing concerns over these contaminants.
  • New WOTUS Definition Hits Federal Register

    February 19, 2019
    EPA and the Department of the Army’s proposed rule narrowing the definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS) was finally published in the Federal Register on February 14.
  • Utility Members Invited to Join Community Benefit Initiative

    February 19, 2019
    NACWA’s recent Winter Conference included a compelling panel presentation on how various utilities are pursuing a variety of community benefit programs.
  • Supreme Court to Review Groundwater Litigation

    February 19, 2019
    The US Supreme Court announced this morning that it has granted certiorari in Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund (Case 18-260) to resolve the circuit split on the limited question of whether the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires a permit when pollutants originate from a point source but are conveyed to navigable waters by a nonpoint source, such as groundwater.
  • EPA Annual Enforcement Report Shows Decline in Civil Enforcement & Penalties

    February 19, 2019
    EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) released its annual report on February 8 covering its initiatives and actions for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. The report looks at several different criminal and civil enforcement “outcomes” including enforcement actions initiated and concluded, as well as penalties assessed.
  • NACWA Encourages Members to Contact Federal Elected Officials

    February 19, 2019
    With the 116th Congress now well under way, NACWA encourages all of its members to engage with their respective U.S. Representatives and Senators about the value that public clean water utilities bring to their communities and the challenges faced each day in providing these essential services.
  • NACWA, WEF Testify Before Congress On Water Infrastructure Needs

    February 12, 2019
    The Director of Charlotte Water, Angela Lee, testified on behalf of NACWA and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) last week before the full House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee regarding the specific needs of the clean water sector.
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