
Clean Water Current

Federal Regulatory Agenda Includes Updates on EPA Actions Including WOTUS, Blending Rules

May 29, 2019

(May 29, 2019) - The federal government released its Spring 2019 Unified Agenda on May 22, providing updates on the timing for all of its ongoing regulatory activity.

On the EPA front, the most significant rules listed were the update to the Lead and Copper Rule—with a proposal now expected in July of this year and a final in July of 2020—and the Waters of the US Rule, with a final rule rescinding the Obama Administration rule expected in August and the new, final revised definition expected in December of this year.

On the wastewater side, the Agency lists its target date for a proposed rule on peak flow management/blending for November 2019 and July 2020 for a final rule, consistent with what EPA reported during Water Week. The next proposed Methods Update Rule is expected before the end of May.

Consistent with the Agency’s PFAS Action Plan, the Unified Agenda also includes proposed rules to list PFAS chemicals as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and as reportable chemicals under the Toxic Release Inventory, both expected in October 2019.

Members with any questions can contact Chris Hornback, Deputy CEO.

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