Clean Water Current
House Looks to Wrap Up This Week, Senate Looks to Push Forward Through Fall
September 25, 2018With federal Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) set to begin on October 1, the House is expected to vote on, and pass, an appropriations package this week which includes temporary funding of all federal agencies that have not yet received appropriations from Congress for FY19. -
NACWA Raises Concerns with Burden Estimate on SSI Reporting Provisions
September 25, 2018NACWA highlighted incorrect assumptions on a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) procedural notice related to the Clean Air Act rules for sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) in comments that were filed September 19. -
Association Weighs in on ESA Interagency Cooperation Rulemaking
September 25, 2018NACWA recently submitted comments on a proposed rulemaking by the US Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that would revise the Endangered Species Act (ESA). As outlined in the comments, NACWA believes these changes would benefit member agencies with a more efficient process in relevant regulatory activities, such as reviews of water quality standards. -
NACWA Supports Latest Reuse Benefits at WateReuse Symposium
September 18, 2018 -
NACWA Discusses Priority Issues with EPA Staff
September 18, 2018 -
Water Resources Legislation Passes House, on Deck in Senate
September 18, 2018 -
Fourth Circuit: Coal Ash Ponds Are Not Point Sources
September 18, 2018 -
Pressure Continues to Mount on PFAS Action; ELI Holds Expert Event
September 18, 2018 -
NACWA Monitoring Utility Needs in Wake of Hurricane Florence
September 18, 2018 -
EPA Reschedules Blending Stakeholder Roundtable
September 18, 2018 -
NACWA’s Year-At-A-Glance is on Its Way!
September 18, 2018 -
Supreme Court Asked to Determine CWA’s Reach Over Groundwater
September 11, 2018 -
Congress Back to Work with Busy September Agenda
September 11, 2018 -
Proposed Water Resources Legislation Released with Infrastructure, Workforce Funding
September 11, 2018 -
EPA Releases Report on Smart Infrastructure for Wet Weather Control
September 11, 2018 -
House Subcommittee Hears EPA, DoD Testimony on PFAS
September 11, 2018 -
Join NACWA for Imagine a Day Without Water!
September 11, 2018 -
EPA, WEF to Host Webinar on Municipal Stormwater Fees
September 4, 2018 -
NACWA, Member Agencies Support California Pharmaceutical & Sharps Take-Back Bill
September 4, 2018 -
Space Limited for Utility Leaders’ Morning at WEFTEC – Register Today!
September 4, 2018