
Clean Water Current

NACWA Joins Coalition to Push for Water Infrastructure Legislation

Feb 12, 2019

coalition(February 12, 2019) - NACWA joined with more than 100 organizations across the infrastructure spectrum last week — representing transportation, water, airports and many more — to underscore the need for strong legislative progress on key infrastructure issues.

A joint letter was drafted and sent by the broad coalition — known as the Infrastructure Working Group — to congressional leadership collectively urging that progress be made on a bipartisan basis to transform America’s infrastructure, and to strengthen existing financing tools and programs while meeting new challenges.

The collaboration leading to the joint letter was important as it demonstrated the significant unity that will be needed in order to advocate for a comprehensive infrastructure bill, including water, to advance in Congress. 

NACWA participates in meetings and strategic advocacy activities with the Infrastructure Working Group to broadly support progress on common issues and ensure that clean water issues are prioritized whenever key issues like infrastructure funding is discussed.  Any questions can be directed to Kristina Surfus or Jason Isakovic

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