February 18, 2021
Given the multitude of issues the biosolids community is facing today, it is once again time to conduct a second National Biosolids Survey and collect more up-to-date and accurate information on biosolids regulation, quality, end use, and disposal.
February 10, 2021
(February 10, 2021) Last week, NACWA staff met with program leads from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) who will be shaping the $638 million low-income water and wastewater ratepayer assistance funding secured in the December FY2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act.
February 10, 2021
This week, the Senate impeachment trial of former President Trump is set to begin and will likely remain the primary focus in Congress for now.
February 10, 2021
NACWA and AMWA’s joint Affordable Water, Resilient Communities campaign kicked-off impactfully last Monday, February 1.
February 10, 2021
Oregon has become the latest state to pursue wipes labeling legislation, with HB2344 introduced on January 11 and a public hearing held on February 9.
February 10, 2021
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) last week issued a memorandum withdrawing nine enforcement policies established by the Trump administration, including the controversial ban on the use of supplemental environmental projects (SEPs).
February 4, 2021
Earlier this week, NACWA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) partnered to kicked off a joint Affordable Water, Resilient CommunitiesTM campaign. Spurred by an increasing amount of legislation and media attention around the issue of water affordability, as well as the opportunities presented by a new presidential administration and a new Congress, the campaign launches with three distinct goals...
February 4, 2021
Congress ramped up its legislative work this week with the passage of a budget resolution that is being used as the legislative vehicle for the latest round of COVID-19 relief through a process known as reconciliation. The Senate also held a confirmation hearing February 3 for Michael Regan, who has been nominated by President Biden to serve as the next EPA Administrator.
February 4, 2021
NACWA convened its first Board of Directors meeting of 2021 on February 3.
February 4, 2021
EPA announced its Final Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 14 in the January 11 Federal Register. The Plan is published every two years to outline EPA’s planned studies and rulemakings related to effluent guidelines and pretreatment standards for industrial dischargers.
February 4, 2021
NACWA joined fellow public sector organizations to sign onto two letters last week outlining the critical importance of tax-exempt municipal bonds and general infrastructure spending for the public sector and nation as a whole.
February 4, 2021
NACWA joined AMWA, WEF and AWWA on January 28 to present a joint webinar on upcoming legislative and regulatory priorities for the water sector.
February 4, 2021
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a new environmental justice speaker series by featuring The Mapping Inequality Project on March 4, 2021 at 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST.
January 27, 2021
EPA announced last week that it is now accepting applications for grants under its new Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant Program. Applications will be accepted until March 26, 2021.
January 27, 2021
NACWA was thrilled to congratulate Radhika Fox last week on her appointment as Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Water. Fox will serve as the office’s senior political leader until an Assistant Administrator is nominated by the Biden Administration and confirmed by the Senate.
January 27, 2021
Days before the start of the new Biden Administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed and issued a pre-publication notice of the 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for industrial stormwater discharges on January 15.
January 27, 2021
In one of its last actions before the inauguration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized its guidance memorandum, “Applying the Supreme Court’s County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund Decision in the Clean Water Act Section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Program.”
January 27, 2021
In a one-page, per curiam decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit last week overturned the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, which loosened carbon dioxide emission guidelines for coal-fired power plants. The rule had been challenged by environmental and health organizations as well as a number of states.
January 13, 2021
The 117th Congress began on a somber and disconcerting note for the country last week. Undaunted, Members of Congress and their staff are moving forward in a bipartisan fashion with important policy work. There is hope and optimism throughout the water sector to build on the success at the end of last year and advance key clean water legislation over the next two years.
January 13, 2021
NACWA partnered with the WateReuse Association this week to file comments on EPA’s recently released draft guidance memorandum, “Applying the Supreme Court’s County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund Decision in the Clean Water Act Section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Program.”