
Clean Water Current

  • Infrastructure Discussions Continue Between White House and Congress

    May 12, 2021
    Infrastructure discussions ramped up this week between the White House and Congress as President Biden and Democrat and Republican Congressional leaders met to discuss a potential bipartisan path forward on a comprehensive infrastructure package.
  • NACWA Preparing Letter on PFAS; New Advocacy 'One-Pager' Available 

    May 12, 2021
    Following the announcement by U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan during Water Week about the formation of a new EPA Council on PFAS, NACWA is preparing a letter to the Council’s co-chairs – EPA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox and EPA Region 1’s Acting Administrator Deb Szaro – highlighting the Association’s priorities and recommendations for federal next steps on addressing PFAS.
  • NACWA’s Water Quality Committee Meets Virtually; Recording Available

    May 12, 2021
    NACWA’s Water Quality Committee met virtually last week and discussed a variety of issues including wastewater based-epidemiology, PFAS, and activity in the environmental justice landscape.
  • EPA Affordability Listening Session Brings Diverse Array of Interests Together

    May 12, 2021
    EPA recently hosted a Listening Session with a broad array of stakeholders from the water sector, including NACWA. Approximately twenty groups were represented, including environmental NGOs as well as community and environmental justice (EJ)/community advocate organizations to discuss water affordability issues. Radhika Fox, EPA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator of Water, hosted the session with other senior EPA staff present as well.
  • Infrastructure Discussions Continue after Senate Takes First Step with Major Water Bill

    May 5, 2021
    The Senate took an important first step last week towards passing comprehensive infrastructure legislation with the overwhelming passage of the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021 (DWWIA), S. 914.
  • EPA Announces New PFAS Council; Fox and Szaro to Co-Chair

    May 5, 2021
    Administrator Michael Regan announced last week during Water Week the formation of a new EPA Council on PFAS (ECP) that will build upon the momentum already happening under the Agency’s PFAS Action Plan. The ECP will be co-chaired by EPA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox and EPA Region 1’s Acting Administrator Deb Szaro.
  • NACWA Board of Directors Meeting Covers Pressing Issues – "Return to Work" Member Survey to Come

    May 5, 2021
    The NACWA Board of Directors met this past Thursday, April 29. Over the course of the virtual meeting, the Board discussed several important items, including preliminary approval of the Association’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 General Fund budget and Targeted Action Fund Budget. NACWA will be sending members more information about the preliminary budgets for review and comment soon.
  • NACWA Continues Active Advocacy Role with Media

    May 5, 2021
    With water policy dominating legislative talks in both the House and Senate, as well as in President Biden’s proposed infrastructure legislation, NACWA has been working tirelessly with the various media outlets to accurately frame the discussions around clean water investment. Over the course of the past two months, NACWA has featured extensively in all major D.C. policy news outlets.
  • National Governors Association Holds Virtual Roundtable on Stormwater Funding and Equity

    May 5, 2021
    The National Governor’s Association (NGA) convened a two-day virtual roundtable event that brought together some of the country’s stormwater funding and financing experts to specifically address equity considerations. Discussions covered existing funding mechanisms like state revolving funds to the newly created sewer overflow and stormwater reuse municipal grant program to establishing a stormwater utility and developing equitable fee structures.
  • Emergency Low-Income Water Aid Expected to Reach States in May; NACWA Provides Input

    April 29, 2021
    Since $638M in first-ever low-income water customer assistance was signed into law in December – followed by a second tranche of $500M provided in March – utilities have been waiting for the funding to start flowing to help customers in need. NACWA has been in conversation with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) staff standing up the new program, dubbed the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, or LIHWAP, and offering recommendations, but limited details had been released by the agency until recently.
  • President Biden Highlights Water in Address Before Congress; Senate Takes First Step with Major Water Bill

    April 29, 2021
    President Biden delivered his first major address before a joint session of Congress last night to promote the key tenants of his Build Back Better proposal, the American Families Plan, and the American Jobs Plan. He specifically mentioned the importance of clean and safe water for all Americans, and his proposal includes over $100 billion in water infrastructure investment.
  • Radhika Fox Nominated to Lead EPA Office of Water – Member Engagement Encouraged!

    April 29, 2021
    One of President Biden’s earliest hires at U.S. EPA, Radhika Fox, has been officially nominated for the role of Assistant Administrator of the Office of Water. NACWA has submitted a letter to Congress in support of her nomination as we believe she will be a strong champion for the clean water sector.
  • Charleston Water Secures First Ever Settlement Agreement with Major Wipes Company in Class Action Litigation

    April 29, 2021
    In January 2021, NACWA member utility Charleston Water System (CWS) in South Carolina filed a lawsuit in federal district court against multiple manufacturers, distributors and retailers of so-called “flushable” wipes seeking to have the court enjoin them from labeling their products as “flushable” in light of the damage those wipes have caused to sewer systems.
  • Virtual Water Week a Success Thanks to Member Engagement

    April 29, 2021
    The water sector once again united this year for Water Week, a yearly event to celebrate the importance of water and advocate for making water a top national priority. This year, due to COVID-19 concerns, events were held virtually.
  • Utility Responses Needed for Cybersecurity Survey by May 4

    April 29, 2021
    The deadline has been extended to May for drinking water and wastewater utilities to complete a survey on cybersecurity. The survey is sponsored by national water sector associations, including NACWA, and responses are urgently needed to inform the association advocacy efforts related to cybersecurity.
  • HHS Releases Water Assistance Guidance and Survey – Utility Responses Needed by April 27!

    April 22, 2021
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released additional information April 27 regarding implementation of the $1.138 Billion provided by Congress in December 2020 and March 2021 for emergency low-income household water and wastewater assistance (LIHWAP).
  • Water Week is Next Week, EPA Administrator Regan to Provide Keynote Address!

    April 22, 2021
    We are excited to announce that Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will address the water sector for the first time during the Water Week Policy Zoom-In on Tuesday, April 27, 2:00-4:30 p.m. ET – and the timing could not be more critical. With conversations heating up on a national infrastructure plan, environmental justice, and emerging contaminants like PFAS, EPA Administrator Regan and his team will play a central role in addressing these and other priority issues facing the water sector.
  • Clean Water in Spotlight on Capitol Hill as NACWA Members Testify Before House; Senate Considers Water Bill

    April 22, 2021
    Clean water has been front and center this week before the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee and the full U.S. Senate.
  • EPA Environmental Finance Advisory Board Convenes Virtually, Provides Key Updates

    April 22, 2021
    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Finance Advisory Board (EFAB) convened virtually April 20 and April 21 to discuss progress from several internal workgroups and to review existing charges as well as a new charge that will explore financing pollution prevention efforts for small manufacturers.
  • NACWA Hosts First 2021 Hot Topics Webinar

    April 22, 2021
    This week NACWA hosted its first Hot Topics in Clean Water virtual event of 2021, Security Threats Facing Today’s Clean Water Utilities.
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