June 11, 2018
June 11, 2018
June 8, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
NACWA’s Board of Directors is comprised of 33 directors representing Association Member Agencies – 30 (three for each of the 10 US EPA regions), as well as three At-Large directors appointed by the Board. Individuals appointed to At-Large seats may be from any state, regardless of the number of elected directors from that state. Board Members are elected/appointed to three-year terms, with service not to exceed nine years.
June 4, 2018
The International Water Services Flushability Group (IWSFG) has published a final version of its flushability specification, which is designed to protect sewer systems and wastewater treatment facilities by ensuring that products labeled “flushable” break apart quickly after flushing and will not cause damage to infrastructure or the environment.
June 4, 2018
Members of Congress return to Capitol Hill this week from their Memorial Day recess with a full legislative agenda to tackle ahead of their next scheduled recess over July 4th.
June 4, 2018
As hurricane season officially arrived June 1, NACWA, along with the National Association of Floods and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA), gathered in in San Antonio, TX last week for a workshop and roundtable discussion on how municipal clean water utilities, stormwater agencies, and flood control districts can learn from past flood events, mitigate risks, and strive for greater resiliency.
June 4, 2018
Today, important discussions on potential increases in water sector funding are exploring different levels of private engagement; the role of peer-to-peer partnerships; and how fragmentation in the public water and wastewater sector nationwide may limit how much progress can be made.
June 4, 2018
The next edition of NACWA's Hot Topics in Clean Water Law Webinar series – on June 20, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM ET – places the very latest legal ramifications of climate change front-and-center.
May 31, 2018
May 30, 2018
NACWA joined more than 150 federal and state regulators and other stakeholders at EPA’s National Leadership Summit on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), which was held on May 22 in Washington, DC.
May 30, 2018
The NACWA Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention Committee is considering questions and clarifications that are still needed about the Dental Amalgam Separator Rule after EPA published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on May 14.
May 30, 2018
NACWA continues to evaluate EPA’s Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science proposed rulemaking published April 30. NACWA’s initial concern was the short, thirty-day comment period EPA initially established, so the Association filed a joint request with several water sector groups May 23 requesting additional time to review the rule