The high cost of dealing with flushable wipes and how you're paying for it
July 12, 2018 -
Iowa Water Pollution In The Gulf Is Getting Worse Despite Increased Funding
July 12, 2018 -
City to consider striking stormwater regulations to incentivize redevelopment
July 12, 2018 -
Passage of North Carolina Fair Market Value Legislation Provides Unique Alternative for Municipalities That Own Water, Wastewater Systems
July 12, 2018 -
The Time Has Come for Stronger Investment in Water Infrastructure – Especially for Underserved Communities
July 11, 2018 -
America must act to ensure qualified water workforce
July 11, 2018 -
Comment Extension Granted, NACWA Seeking Member Input on EPA Costs and Benefits Proposal
July 10, 2018The EPA extended the public comment period on July 3 for their advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM): Increasing Consistency and Transparency in Considering Costs and Benefits in the Rulemaking Process. This ANPRM seeks more information on how costs and benefits are to be considered by the EPA and whether the Agency can increase consistency and better improve transparency across all environmental statutes. -
EPA Continues Community Engagement Events on PFAS
July 10, 2018Building upon the recent PFAS National Leadership Summit in Washington DC, EPA announced on June 27 that the Agency would expand its community engagement on per- and poly-fluoroalkl substances by holding more local workshops this summer in Pennsylvania, Colorado and North Carolina. -
EPA Administrator Resigns, Key EPA Water Priorities Expected to Remain Unchanged
July 10, 2018Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt submitted his resignation late last week, and EPA Deputy Administrator Andrew Wheeler was named Acting Administrator effective July 9. -
NACWA Meets with EPA Region 3 Administrator, Discusses Need for Compliance Assistance First Posture
July 10, 2018 -
Senate Passes Farm Bill, NACWA Priorities Included
July 10, 2018The Senate passed its version of the 2018 Farm Bill prior to the July 4 recess, and the bill included several key priorities that were advocated for by NACWA and its Farm Bill Working Group. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support by a vote of 86-11. -
EPA Webinars on Smart Utilities, Air Regulations, and Disaster Response
July 10, 2018The EPA’s Water Security Division is hosting several webinars which may interest public clean water utilities. -
June 2018 Regulatory Update
June 29, 2018 -
NACWA Applauds Senate Passage of Bipartisan Farm Bill
June 29, 2018 -
Crushed Porcelain From Old Toilets Transformed Into a Valuable Resource
June 28, 2018 -
Financial assistance for eligible Baltimore City water customers to increase WEAA The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) will increase the amount of financial assistance offered to certain low-income City water ...
June 28, 2018 -
What Our 50-State Scorecard Says About Farming and Water Pollution (and What the Farm Bill Should Do About It)
June 27, 2018 -
Water Programs' FY19 Funding May Not Match 2018 Gains
June 27, 2018 -
June 27, 2018 -
Upscale inns threatened with wastewater lawsuit
June 27, 2018