  • NACWA, Congress Highlight Clean Water Funding Priorities but Local Utility Voices Needed

    March 19, 2019
    With the federal Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) Congressional appropriations process gaining steam, NACWA submitted testimony last week to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies requesting support for key EPA clean water programs and funding priorities. NACWA will be submitting similar FY20 testimony to Senate Appropriators once the Appropriators open their stakeholder submissions in the coming weeks.
  • Need Help Planning Water Week Capitol Hill Visits? Let us Know!

    March 19, 2019
    With the National Water Policy Fly-In and Water Week 2019 almost here, now is the time to be scheduling visits with your Members of Congress. It is critically important that, while you are in Washington, you visit with your elected leaders and educate them about the most important issues facing your utility and the work you do every day to serve your community.
  • NACWA Recommends Revisions to Greenhouse Gas Inventory

    March 19, 2019
    NACWA submitted comments on March 14 regarding EPA’s Draft Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2017. The annual Inventory provides nationwide estimates for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for different sectors, including wastewater treatment, and is intended to be used only for informational purposes.
  • Congress Home on Recess – Talk to Your Members About Clean Water Today!

    March 19, 2019
    Members of Congress are home in their states and districts this week during a congressional recess, making this the perfect time for your utility to reach out to your federal elected officials and educate them on the importance of what you do every day to protect public health and the environment in your community.
  • 'Trash It. Don't Flush It': NYC Battles Its Growing Fatberg Problem

    March 18, 2019
  • In Fatberg Fight, NYC Goes to War Against Flushable Wipes

    March 18, 2019
  • Fat in a Sink, Wipes in a Loo—How Fatbergs Are Born

    March 18, 2019
  • Water and sewer project may cost 3 times estimate

    March 18, 2019
  • San Francisco Bay Nutrient Management Strategy Serves as Model

    March 18, 2019
    Nutrient pollution, caused by excess nitrogen and phosphorus in waterways, is one of America's most widespread, costly, and challenging environmental problems. For the San Francisco Bay, the West Coast’s largest estuary and home to over seven million people, algal blooms, fish kills and other nutrient-related environmental impacts have generally not been seen despite 37 wastewater treatment plants discharging to the Bay without full-scale nutrient treatment.
  • #N12BX: Fatbergs

    March 15, 2019
  • We can’t assume our water is safe to drink. But we can fix it.

    March 15, 2019
  • MSD urges people to stop flushing items that should not be flushed

    March 13, 2019
  • Atlanta Issues Environmental Impact Bond for Green Infrastructure

    March 13, 2019
  • Firm gets national accolades for big sewer project you’ve probably never heard of

    March 13, 2019
  • White House Proposes Steep Cuts to Water Funding; NACWA to Push Back

    March 12, 2019
    The White House released its proposed FY2020 Budget on March 11. As in prior years, the Trump Administration is proposing major cuts for a broad range of discretionary non-defense programs and agencies, including to EPA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The proposed budget’s accompanying narrative focuses strongly on prioritizing infrastructure spending, with particular attention paid to clean and safe water investment. Unfortunately, the proposed spending levels for water infrastructure programs suggest a different story and are significantly below current funding levels.
  • NACWA Testifies at Congressional Hearing on Importance of Water Infrastructure Investment

    March 12, 2019
    The US House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee’s Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee held a public hearing March 7 to examine the current state of the country’s clean water infrastructure. NACWA provided testimony and emphasized the critical role of federal funding for clean water infrastructure. At the hearing, NACWA Board Member Andy Kricun, Executive Director of the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority in New Jersey, proposed solutions for the gowning infrastructure gap and challenging affordability concerns.
  • House Subcommittee Hears from EPA, DoD on PFAS Risks

    March 12, 2019
    The US House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Subcommittee on Environment held a hearing on March 6 entitled, “Examining PFAS Chemicals and Their Risks.” Dave Ross, EPA’s Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water testified in the hearing alongside Maureen Sullivan with the US Department of Defense (DoD). Also, Congressmen Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) testified on the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in their respective districts, and the needs of their communities with existing cleanup and greater public health and environmental protection.
  • EPA Abandons Legal Fight on Delay of Obama Clean Water Rule

    March 12, 2019
    EPA announced March 8 that it is abandoning further legal efforts to delay implantation of the 2015 Clean Water Rule, leaving a regulatory patchwork across the country where the Rule is in effect in some states but not in others. For the time being, the 2015 Clean Water Rule is effective in 26 states. Pre-2015 jurisdictional regulations govern in the other 24 states.
  • NACWA Submits Comments on 2018 Farm Bill Implementation

    March 12, 2019
    NACWA submitted comments March 1 in response to a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) request for input on implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill. NACWA worked closely with Congress during development of the 2018 Farm Bill, advocating for strong conservation program funding, affirmation of the value that point-nonpoint source collaboration in a watershed can provide, and reforms to make it simpler for clean water utilities to participate in USDA programs such as the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).
  • NACWA Members’ Clean Water Act Success Reflected in EPA’s New Compliance Priorities

    March 12, 2019
    (March 12, 2019) - NACWA submitted comments this week on EPA’s proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 – 2023 National Compliance Initiatives (NCIs). EPA’s proposal includes some important positive developments for the public clean water utility sector. Most notably, the proposal moves away from addressing sewer overflows through enforcement as a national enforcement priority. NACWA has devoted significant advocacy effort over recent years to secure this change.
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