Johnson Controls to pay Peshtigo residents $17.5M to settle PFAS lawsuit
January 11, 2021 -
Wastewater project could ID arrival of UK strain in Missouri
January 11, 2021 -
Results In For City Wastewater Testing For Coronavirus; More Pandemic Updates
January 11, 2021 -
Announcement of Assistance for Low-Income Water and Wastewater Ratepayers
January 7, 2021 -
Congress Ends 2020 with Money for Clean Water, Kicks Off New Session This Week
January 6, 2021Members of Congress old and new arrived in Washington this week to begin the 117th Congress. With Democrats winning both Senate races in Georgia on January 5, they will now control the Senate as well as the House and the White House. This will create a very different political dynamic in Washington and will present new opportunities and challenges for the public clean water sector. -
EPA Publishes Interim Guidance on PFAS Destruction and Disposal – Member Input Requested!
January 6, 2021Just before the holidays, EPA published an interim guidance document on PFAS destruction and disposal and is seeking public comment by February 22, 2021. NACWA is closely reviewing the document but is also interested in any member feedback. -
NACWA Files Brief in Montana Nutrient Litigation
January 6, 2021NACWA filed another brief this week in ongoing litigation over a challenged nutrient variance in Montana. -
Army Corps Moves to Finalize New Clean Water Act Section 404 Water Infrastructure Permit
January 6, 2021The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a pre-publication version this week of its final reissued and modified streamlined Clean Water Act Section 404 permits, known as “nationwide permits” (NWPs), which included key NACWA recommendations. -
Kentucky groups use wastewater testing in Mayfield to detect COVID-19 outbreaks early
January 6, 2021 -
Dubuque city leaders ask state leaders to include drinking water and wastewater utility workers in next COVID-19 vaccination group
January 5, 2021 -
Colorado looks to wastewater for answers to COVID-19
January 4, 2021 -
Wastewater testing helps pinpoint COVID outbreaks
January 4, 2021 -
In Norfolk, sea level rise reduces some stormwater system capacity by 50%, data shows
January 4, 2021 -
Loudoun County offers water and wastewater assistance applications VIRGINIA by: Christy Matino
January 4, 2021 -
Overdue on water and sewer payments? Here’s how Hanover County may help
January 4, 2021 -
Hampton Roads Planning District Commission offers relief funds for past-due utility bills
December 23, 2020 -
December 2020 Legislative & Regulatory Update
December 23, 2020 -
Cleaner waterways coming to Ascension Parish with plans for new sewer plant
December 22, 2020 -
Water Sector Commends Congress for Water Relief in Appropriations Package
December 21, 2020Monday afternoon, Congress released the Fiscal Year 2021 Consolidated Appropriations bill which contains $638 million for low-income water utility bill assistance. -
UT gets $25,000 from feds to help develop better wipes
December 21, 2020