
Register Now: Integrated Planning Municipal Peer-to-Peer Exchange

Mar 18, 2021

(March 18, 2021) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues its integrated planning outreach and has partnered with the Environmental Finance Centers (EFC) at the University of Maryland and University of North Carolina to offer an upcoming event, Integrated Planning Peer-to-Peer Exchange for Municipalities on Monday, March 22, 2021.

The event will feature discussions from the City of Burlington, Vermont and NACWA member City of Springfield, Missouri on their successfully completed wastewater and stormwater integrated plans.

The event also aims to address barriers and concerns for municipalities throughout the integrated planning process and feature breakout groups for a peer-to-peer exchange opportunity. The breakout groups will focus on barriers to getting started with integrated planning, adaptive management, plan implementation, stakeholder engagement, and affordability.

EPA and EFC encourage municipalities that have begun the integrated planning process in some capacity, plan to start the integrated planning process soon, or have experienced barriers to starting the process to attend this event. Municipalities that have experience developing or implementing an integrated plan are also encouraged to attend and share their experiences.

The event is scheduled for 2:00-4:00 PM EST on March 22, 2021. To attend the event, you must register here.

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