Water Resources Utility of the Future Annual Report
The Annual Report provides an update on developments in the utility of the future (UOTF) arena since the original UOTFBlueprint , released in 2013. The Report was developed in collaboration with the Water Environment Federation (WEF), and the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) – the three organizations who partnered on the original Blueprint – as well as WateReuse.
The Annual Report describes recent accomplishments of clean water utilities on UOTF initiatives and explores the newest horizons for innovation across the sector. As the Annual Report was under development, a common theme from the range of UOTF-focused efforts began to emerge – that clean water utilities are often not acting alone as they embark on these initiatives. Innovation has instead occurred within an “innovation ecosystem” comprised of technology developers, consulting engineers and scientists, state and local government, the finance community and a wide range of professional organizations that represent the clean water sector. The Annual Report provides greater insight into how each of these stakeholders is contributing to the increasingly widespread adoption of UOTF practices and approaches. Free download (2015, 54 pages).