'Wipes in the pipes': WSSC says so-called 'flushable wipes' are clogging the system
May 17, 2021 -
Wastewater treatments plants test for COVID and zebra mussels
May 17, 2021 -
Sewer rates won't increase for fourth straight year
May 17, 2021 -
Portland water and sewer rates set to increase
May 17, 2021 -
Federal consent decree on Cleveland Heights sewer overhaul to stretch out for decades
May 12, 2021 -
Department of Natural Resources awards $100M to Kansas City
May 12, 2021 -
Anchorage sewage system clogged from flushable wipes
May 12, 2021 -
Could AI help recover energy and fresh water from municipal wastewater?
May 12, 2021 -
Seattle City Council approves water and waste rate hikes — 20% by 2026
May 12, 2021 -
Treasury Releases COVID-19 Recovery Fund Info; Includes Guidance on Use of Funds for Water/Sewer Infrastructure
May 12, 2021The U.S. Treasury released initial guidance for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) on May 10. The CSLFRF is the $350 Billion pot of funding provided in the COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act signed into law in March 2021 that includes water and sewer infrastructure as an eligible use. -
Infrastructure Discussions Continue Between White House and Congress
May 12, 2021Infrastructure discussions ramped up this week between the White House and Congress as President Biden and Democrat and Republican Congressional leaders met to discuss a potential bipartisan path forward on a comprehensive infrastructure package. -
NACWA Preparing Letter on PFAS; New Advocacy 'One-Pager' Available
May 12, 2021Following the announcement by U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan during Water Week about the formation of a new EPA Council on PFAS, NACWA is preparing a letter to the Council’s co-chairs – EPA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox and EPA Region 1’s Acting Administrator Deb Szaro – highlighting the Association’s priorities and recommendations for federal next steps on addressing PFAS. -
NACWA’s Water Quality Committee Meets Virtually; Recording Available
May 12, 2021NACWA’s Water Quality Committee met virtually last week and discussed a variety of issues including wastewater based-epidemiology, PFAS, and activity in the environmental justice landscape. -
EPA Affordability Listening Session Brings Diverse Array of Interests Together
May 12, 2021EPA recently hosted a Listening Session with a broad array of stakeholders from the water sector, including NACWA. Approximately twenty groups were represented, including environmental NGOs as well as community and environmental justice (EJ)/community advocate organizations to discuss water affordability issues. Radhika Fox, EPA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator of Water, hosted the session with other senior EPA staff present as well. -
Anchorage sewage system clogged from flushable wipes, items
May 11, 2021 -
Cleveland entering partnership to test wastewater samples, determine in which areas COVID-19 is spreading
May 11, 2021 -
Baltimore Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Expected to Dramatically Reduce Sewage Overflows
May 11, 2021 -
New York City set to dip deeper into homeowner’s pockets with 2.7% water rate hike
May 11, 2021 -
Seattle council approves plan to raise water, sewage, waste and drainage rates more than 20% by 2026
May 11, 2021 -
From the Wastewater Drain, Solid Pandemic Data
May 10, 2021