
Clean Water Current

  • NACWA Continues Wipes Advocacy After Reaching Milestones in 2022

    August 17, 2022
    NACWA’s advocacy on wipes has marked several milestones in 2022. Working with the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the American Public Works Association (APWA), and other water associations, NACWA ramped up its advocacy efforts on the wipes issue beginning in 2013, identifying three actions that needed to occur to reduce problems caused by wipes for utilities: (1) Improved “Do Not Flush” labeling on non-flushable wipes; (2) Flushable wipes that are truly flushable; and (3) Public education on proper flushing habits.
  • White House Budget Office Completes Review of CERCLA PFOA/PFOS Designation Rule; May Require EPA to Conduct Impact Analysis

    August 17, 2022
    Since January, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has been reviewing EPA’s proposed rule to list PFOA and PFOS as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
  • Sweeping Climate, Healthcare, and Tax Package Becomes Law

    August 17, 2022
    The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law by President Biden on Tuesday, August 16. The IRA is a major legislative package bundling together energy/climate, healthcare, and tax provisions.
  • NACWA Joins RCAP National Conference

    August 17, 2022
    NACWA staff joined the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) this week for its annual conference in Columbus, OH. The event brought together over 200 Technical Assistance Providers (TAPs) from RCAP’s regional partners and rural leaders from across the country to connect and share best practices.
  • NACWA Presses EPA on Changes to Draft Financial Capability Assessment Guidance

    August 10, 2022
    NACWA sent a letter to senior EPA Office of Water staff on August 8 outlining continued concerns with the Agency’s proposed Financial Capability Guidance (FCA) that was published in draft form earlier this year and asking for additional changes before it is finalized.
  • Water & Municipal Groups Discuss PFAS CERCLA Concerns with White House

    August 10, 2022
    NACWA joined a number of municipal and water sector groups on an August 9 call with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to discuss concerns over an anticipated EPA rulemaking designating two PFAS chemicals – PFOA and PFOS – as hazardous substances under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as Superfund. The meeting follows a letter the groups sent to OMB and EPA last month.
  • Historic Climate Package Set to Advance to President for Signature

    August 10, 2022
    The U.S. Senate passed a historic legislative climate package, the Inflation Reduction Act, this past weekend which the U.S. House is expected to take up and pass this Friday and then send to President Biden for his signature into law.
  • NACWA Welcomes Tom Sigmund as President, Convenes 52nd Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony in Seattle

    August 3, 2022
    NACWA congratulates Tom Sigmund, Executive Director for NEW Water in Green Bay, WI, as he takes the helm of the Association as NACWA’s newly elected President for 2022-2023.
  • NACWA Joins Bipartisan BIL Implementation Discussion With EPA

    August 3, 2022
    NACWA participated in an event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center, National League of Cities, and National Association of Counties on August 2nd featuring Karen Dettmer, Managing Director for Infrastructure Implementation with EPA’s Office of Water.
  • Climate Package Takes Critical Step Forward

    August 3, 2022
    On Wednesday, July 27th, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced that they had come to agreement on a path forward for FY2022 Budget Reconciliation legislation – after much debate and uncertainty spanning over the past year.
  • Senate Appropriators Release FY23 Spending Bills

    August 3, 2022
    Last week, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee released their Fiscal Year (FY23) spending bills, including the Interior and Environment bill (text and report), which provides annual federal appropriations for U.S. EPA and its clean water programs. NACWA advocates for strong funding and policy provisions in this package each year.
  • NACWA Continues to Provide EPA Feedback on BABAA Waivers

    August 3, 2022
    Last week, NACWA provided comments on the latest draft Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) waiver released by U.S. EPA. This latest waiver covers selected smaller programs offered by U.S. EPA Office of Water, including earmarks.
  • NACWA Publishes Several Documents for Member Use and Advocacy – Including on PFAS and EJ

    August 3, 2022
    Over the last few weeks, NACWA has released a tranche of resources, white papers, and other documents designed to assist public clean water utilities in addressing key challenges and shaping their advocacy efforts and policy discussions on national issues facing the sector today.
  • House Works on Appropriations and Defense Bills as Congress Enters Final Legislative Stretch Before August Recess

    July 20, 2022
    The U.S. House of Representatives is in its final two-week legislative stretch before adjourning for the August district work period.
  • NACWA Asks USDA to Ensure Continued Support for Biosolids

    July 20, 2022
    In comments submitted on July 15, NACWA asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service to ensure continued support for, and access to, biosolids by the nation’s farmers to meet fertilizer supply chain demands.
  • WaterISAC to Host Webinar on DHS Cybersecurity Tools

    July 20, 2022
    WaterISAC is hosting a free webinar open to all water sector stakeholders on July 27, 2:00-3:00 pm ET, that will highlight many of the free cybersecurity services offered by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to critical infrastructure organizations, including water and wastewater utilities.
  • Water Sector, Municipal Groups Send Strong Message to EPA on PFAS

    July 13, 2022
    NACWA joined with other water sector partners and municipal groups on a July 11 letter to EPA and the White House Office of Management and Budget about potential regulation of PFAS.
  • NACWA Asks EPA to Consider Impacts of Asbestos Ban on Water Sector

    July 13, 2022
    In comments submitted July 13, NACWA asked EPA to more carefully consider how its proposed rule to ban chrysotile asbestos will affect the chlorine supplies used by drinking water and wastewater utilities.
  • EPA Requests Utility Feedback on CSO Tools

    July 13, 2022
    EPA has released beta test versions of three tools that communities and permitting authorities can use to plan and manage different aspects of combined sewer overflow (CSO) programs.
  • EPA Releases Proposed Waiver of BABAA for Additional EPA Water Programs

    July 13, 2022
    On Tuesday, July 12th U.S. EPA released for public comment a proposed six-month waiver of the Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) domestic procurement requirements for 16 water programs managed by the agency.
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