
Member Spotlight

  • Great Lakes Water Authority’s One Water Regional Public Education Program

    January 15, 2020
    In collaboration with the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) and the Freshwater Forum at the Cranbrook Institute of Science, the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) created a comprehensive education program – the One Water Campaign. The highly visible and engaging regional campaign was designed to raise awareness of and generate appreciation for water resources and infrastructure topics including drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and the connection of these to the blue economy, recreation, quality of life and economic prosperity in Southeast Michigan.
  • The City of Prineville’s Innovative Natural Wastewater Treatment System

    December 4, 2019
    In 2017, the City of Prineville (OR) completed an innovative natural wastewater treatment system project by establishing a 120-acre wetlands complex along the Crooked River. While the complex incorporates effective wastewater treatment, it also serves as an interactive community asset with hiking trails, wildlife observation, and educational kiosks. The City received a National Environmental Achievement Award in the Operations & Environmental Performance category from NACWA in 2019 for the project.
  • Hampton Roads Sanitation District Establishes One-of-a-Kind Research Center

    November 6, 2019
    This year, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) launched the Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT) Research Center. As the first of its kind, the center is an advanced water treatment, aquifer recharge, public education, aquifer science research, and operator training facility all rolled into one. The one million gallon per day facility takes a portion of the fully treated effluent from HRSD’s Nansemond Treatment Plant and uses an 8-step carbon based advanced water treatment process to...
  • Keep the Wipes Out! - Clackamas County Water Environment Services’ Creative Solution to Clogged Pipes

    October 2, 2019
    NACWA Award Winner tackles the wipes challenge: Baby wipes in sewer pipes are a threat to public and environmental health and to the sustainability of shared infrastructure. Wipes don’t breakdown in water like toilet paper, not even those labelled “flushable.” Oregon’s Clackamas County Water Environment Services department (WES) provides water resource recovery and watershed protection services to over 165,000 customers in urbanizing northern Clackamas County. WES manages and operates five wastewater treatment facilities and 22 pump stations where convenience wipes clog pipes and pumps that threaten public and environmental health due to the increased risk of sanitary sewer overflows.
  • Citizens Energy Group Uses Virtual Reality to Shine a Spotlight on DigIndy Tunnel System

    September 4, 2019
    NACWA Member Agency, Citizens Energy Group, created a 360-degree virtual reality video about the largest public works project in the history of the City of Indianapolis—the DigIndy Tunnel System. The video was created to promote public awareness for the $2 billion project, which will cause disruption, including road closures and detours, during the project and inevitably impact rates for the community.
  • Northeast Ohio’s Let’s Ask Series Connects the Community and Utility

    August 7, 2019
    NACWA Member Agency the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) in Cleveland, Ohio, serves one million residents, manages a 420-mile regional stormwater system, and treats more than 200 million gallons of wastewater every day. But behind the numbers are real people who love their work, understand their responsibilities, and want others to take up a similar commitment to their Great Lake.
  • Honolulu Entertains and Educates with Award-Winning Video About FOG

    July 2, 2019
    To inform the public on the consequences of fats, oils and grease (FOG) in the wastewater collection system, the Department of Environmental Services, City and County of Honolulu hit the television airwaves with The F.O.G. Zone. Using the television series The Twilight Zone as inspiration, this 30-second educational video informs residents that the proper disposal of grease and other FOG-related foods is in the trash can, rather than down the kitchen sink.
  • KC to the Sea Introduces Students to Stormwater Runoff and Water Pollution

    June 4, 2019
    KC Water recognizes that good quality water is everyone’s business and that educating young people is a great way to spread the message of sustainable water use and raise awareness about the role individuals play in preventing stormwater pollution. The program is free and is available to schools within the KC Water ratepayer boundaries.
  • The City of Corpus Christi Makes a Mark with Workforce Development Program

    April 23, 2019
    The City of Corpus Christi Water Utilities received a 2019 National Environmental Achievement Award (NEAA) for its workforce development program. The utility makes workforce development a priority within the organization. It is their goal to produce a workplace that gives employees opportunities to become more successful in their current and future employment and to increase the number of leaders in the community. The leadership within the City strives to provide a roadmap to guide the career of employees by providing the means to participate in innovative learning and to develop meaningful, lifelong skills.
  • San Francisco Bay Nutrient Management Strategy Serves as Model

    March 18, 2019
    Nutrient pollution, caused by excess nitrogen and phosphorus in waterways, is one of America's most widespread, costly, and challenging environmental problems. For the San Francisco Bay, the West Coast’s largest estuary and home to over seven million people, algal blooms, fish kills and other nutrient-related environmental impacts have generally not been seen despite 37 wastewater treatment plants discharging to the Bay without full-scale nutrient treatment.
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