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Water recycling gets a boost in Southern California with new federal funding

May 30, 2024


The Biden administration has announced that Southern California’s plan to build the largest wastewater recycling plant in the nation will be supported by $99.2 million in federal funds, an investment that officials said represents a down payment toward making the region more resilient to the effects of climate change.

The proposed facility, called Pure Water Southern California, is projected to cost $8 billion. When completed, it will recycle enough wastewater to produce 150 million gallons of clean drinking water each day — enough to supply about half a million homes.

“Investments in water recycling and reuse are key to stretching limited water supplies, making systems more resilient to the effects of aridification in the American West,” U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton said. “Water recycling plays a critical role in improving sustainable water supplies. It’s an innovative and cost-effective tool that can help make our water supply more reliable.”

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