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Henifin says sorting out billing system key to funding sewer repairs

Jun 23, 2023

JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) - Jackson’s water manager says a major key to tackling the city’s longtime sewer issues is getting its billing system straightened out.

“If we use our water dollars efficiently, we can free up local dollars for sewer,” Interim Third-Party Manager Ted Henifin said. “The critical piece is getting people to pay their bills... getting the billing system right and start receiving revenue at the rate we should.”

On Wednesday, Henifin appeared before U.S. District Court Judge Henry Wingate at a status hearing to discuss comments made by the mayor at a recent press conference.

The first half of that hearing focused on Jackson’s ongoing water and sewer issues, as well as the progress the third-party administrator has made to stabilize the city’s water system.

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