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Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s social media game is on point

Jan 29, 2020

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Whether it’s providing commentary about a recent football game, flushable wipes or burning rivers, the Twitter account of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) has become a surprising must-follow because, well, it’s very funny.

Run by NEORSD’s Manager of Communications John Gonzalez, the Twitter page has earned nearly 9,000 followers on the platform in the past decade. Gonzalez also runs the organization’s accounts on FacebookInstagramYouTube and, more recently, TikTok.

The organization’s approach to Twitter is creative and purposeful, Gonzalez said. I t’s meant to grab readers’ attention.

“By piquing their interest or getting them to stop scrolling for six seconds to watch something or read some off-the-wall content we’re posting -- that moment of pause is an opportunity we might not have elsewhere,” Gonzalez said.

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