
Fairhope in the middle of $15 million in sewer system upgrades

Mar 14, 2024


FAIRHOPE, Ala. (WALA) - The city of Fairhope is undergoing major upgrades to its sewer system which will continue for most of this year. They include new and refurbished lift stations at several locations.

“If you want to get the ire of your citizens and customers, sanitary sewer overflows will get them upset and we don’t want that to happen, not only from an environmental standpoint but from a customer service standpoint,” said Fairhope Public Works Director, Richard Johnson.

Major sewer system projects are underway now or soon will be across the Fairhope area. From lift stations to holding tanks and new sewer lines, the goal is to move sewer to the treatment plant faster than it can backup and overflow. It’s a problem the city began addressing several years ago with the expansion of its sewage treatment plant.

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