Democrat and Republican Legislators Advance Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Investments to Increase Housing Production
SALEM, OR – Today, housing infrastructure investments proposed by State Representatives David Gomberg (D-Otis) and Emily McIntire (R-Klamath Falls) were adopted by the Joint Transportation and Economic Development Subcommittee on Ways and Means. These unprecedented investments in water and wastewater infrastructure will decrease major barriers to building more houses in Oregon in order to meet the State’s housing production goal of 36,000 units per year.
Infrastructure investments now folded into SB 1530 would build out essential water and wastewater distribution lines to new housing, address capacity constraints on building, and unlock residential lands for development resulting in an estimated 11,000 housing units across nearly 50 communities. Some communities in the bill include Siletz, Lincoln City, Butte Falls, Shady Cove, Chiloquin, Manzanita, North Bend, Klamath Falls, and Florence.