Deerfield looks to ‘most feasible alternative’ for wastewater treatment plant
DEERFIELD — Having considered early potential designs for the Old Deerfield Wastewater Treatment Plant put forward by the town and a group of nonprofits residing in town, Deerfield officials say their plan makes more financial sense moving forward.
In a continuation of discussions that began in December 2022, the town and the nonprofits — led by Deerfield Academy Chief Financial Officer Matt Sheehy — are trying to determine which way is the best path forward for the treatment plant on Little Meadow Road, which is in rough shape, according to Selectboard member Trevor McDaniel. The nonprofits involved are Deerfield Academy, Historic Deerfield, The Bement School and Eaglebrook School.
Both plans underwent an independent peer review from engineering firm Weston & Sampson, with company representative Matthew Jermine saying the town’s activated sludge system — which is the current system running in the plant — would be “the most feasible alternative” for Deerfield when compared to the nonprofits’ membrane bioreactors (MBR) system.