'An exciting opportunity': Kansas City’s new bio-waste treatment facility nearing completion
Kansas City’s new bio-waste treatment facility is one step closer to being operational.
When completed, the center will take Kansas City’s solid waste and convert it into fertilizer.
It will mean a greener facility and nearly no more odor drifting across the highway.
“Our focus has been to have a sustainable solution,” said Brent Herring, the deputy director of operations for KC Water. “We have significantly reduced odors.”
Since the 1960s, the city had been burning the waste but soon, they’ll be recycling all of it.
When completed the $140 million project will only be the ninth of its kind and the entire country.
“It is an exciting opportunity for our community for our city for our area, in the matter in how we treat biosolids and developing a sustainable solution,” Herring said.