

Aug 12, 2022

Heavy rainfall Wednesday led to flooded streets, stranded cars and emergency rescues in the D.C. area, with one woman even trapped in 5 feet of water in her own home.

DC Water says the recurring flood problem is caused in part by the District’s aging infrastructure, and that its Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project may be a key to fixing it. 

How Aging DC Infrastructure Contributes to Flooding

The severe flooding Wednesday night was far from a one-time occurrence for the District. According to the Department of Energy and Environment, D.C. has faced a long history of flooding, dating back to the 19th century. 

A large contributor to these flooding issues is the area’s outdated and aging infrastructure. According to DC Water, the District’s sewage system is over 200 years old, with some of the first major structures, such as storm drains, constructed as early as 1810. 

DC Water said that although additions and renovations have been made to the District’s system over time, ultimately poorly planned constructions have transferred drainage problems to the marshes along the Potomac and Anacostia rivers, which is still apparent today.

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