NACWA Honors Peak Performance and Excellence in Management Award Winners at 2022 Utility Leadership Conference
Media Contact:
Nathan Gardner-Andrews | Chief Advocacy & Policy Officer
(703) 774-6513,
Statement from NACWA CEO Applauds Utility Leaders for Continued Excellence
(Seattle, Washington) – Last evening, the winners of the 2022 NACWA Peak Performance Awards and the NACWA Excellence in Management Awards were honored at a special ceremony as part of NACWA’s 2022 Utility Leadership Conference in Seattle, Washington.
A full list of NACWA’s 2022 Peak Performance Awards can be found here. The 2022 Peak Performance Awards reflect permit compliance for calendar year 2021. A full list of NACWA’s 2022 Excellence in Management Awards can be found here.
These two NACWA awards are historically presented during the Association’s annual summer Utility Leadership Conference. This is the first time recipients have been honored in person since 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Adam Krantz, Chief Executive Officer of NACWA, applauds this year’s recipients, noting:
“Despite the many challenges and setbacks that we faced as a nation and a global community over the last three years, these NACWA member public utilities have been able to deliver consistent and reliable clean water services. The herculean efforts by the staff and leadership of the over 350 utilities that comprise NACWA’s membership cannot be overstated, particularly their work as front line environmental first responders. Truly, America’s public clean water utilities held steadfast in their commitment to serve and inspire their communities throughout the course of the pandemic.
To that end, it is NACWA's great honor to bestow this year’s Peak Performance Awards and Excellence in Management and to these extraordinary member clean water utilities. Collectively, they represent the forward-thinking and civic-minded environmental stewardship that is the hallmark of today’s public water sector utilities. Congratulations!”
About the Peak Performance Awards
Platinum Awards
Platinum Awards recognize 100% compliance with Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits over a consecutive five-year period. Facilities that maintain 100% compliance beyond the initial award are honored with Multi-Platinum Award status.
Gold Awards
Gold Awards are presented to facilities with no permit violations for the entire calendar year.
Silver Awards
Silver Awards are presented to facilities with no more than five violations per calendar year.
About the Excellence in Management Awards
The Excellence in Management Recognition Program was launched in 2003 to acknowledge the significant achievements of NACWA member agencies in the utility management arena. This program honors member agencies that are implementing management practices that address the range of challenges identified in the Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities.
For over 50 years, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) has been the nation’s recognized leader in legislative, regulatory, legal and communications advocacy on the full spectrum of clean water issues. NACWA represents public wastewater and stormwater agencies of all sizes nationwide. Our unique and growing network strengthens the advocacy voice for the public clean water sector and helps advance policies to provide affordable and sustainable clean water for all. Our vision is to advance sustainable and responsible policy initiatives that help to shape a strong and sustainable clean water future. For more information, visit us at