Resistance begins against the potential sale of the Bucks County Sewer and Water Authority
A county-wide campaign led by residents is sprouting in Bucks County, in opposition to the potential sale of the Bucks County Sewer and Water Authority.
Community members and local officials are perking up after news spread of BCSWA exploring an offer from Aqua Pennsylvania for about $600 million to buy the county’s water and sewer utilities.
Brian Fries, BCSWA spokesperson, said the authority has “a fiduciary responsibility to thoroughly examine all details presented to us, ensuring that our customers, communities, and partners always come first.”
BCSWA paid more than $50,000 for an assessment by Gannett-Flemming, a private engineering firm, which determined the BCSWA overall value of about $1.1 billion for the sewer system and $300 million for the water system.
The authority represents about 100,000 households in Bucks, Montgomery, and Chester counties, and is one of the largest authorities in the state.