
From wastewater, CDC identifies potential for COVID-19 spike in El Dorado

Mar 24, 2022

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports detection in wastewater indicating a potential spike for COVID-19 cases in Butler County.

Information from the Butler County Health Department explained the CDC has been conducting wastewater surveillance in cities throughout the state, including El Dorado.

“The CDC has found by conducting this test throughout the country; they have been able to identify the potential for a spike in COVID-19 cases,” the health department said.

The heath department reported that last week, the CDC identified “a virus shed spike” in the City of El Dorado’s wastewater.

“To help mitigate any outbreaks in the community, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) mobile laboratory unit has been in the City of El Dorado conducting free testing,” the health department said.

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