NACWA: Clean Water SRF fund allotment formula under review
Last week, members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee heard testimony from public clean water utility members of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) during the committee’s hearing, “Oversight of the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund Formula.” The hearing focused on examining potential changes to the formula that determines how federal appropriations for the CWSRF are allocated among individual state funds.
Among those called to testify were members of the NACWA Board of Directors — Tom Sigmund, Executive Director of NEW Water in Green Bay, Wisconsin and NACWA’s Vice President, and Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells, CEO of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in Cleveland, Ohio. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is the primary federal investment program for local clean water investment, offering low-interest loans to public utilities for water quality infrastructure projects.
“I cannot overstate how much of a lifeline the CWSRF has been, and still is, for clean water utilities across this country,” Sigmund testified. “Through the State of Wisconsin’s Clean Water Fund Program, clean water utilities have benefited from over $5.3 billion worth of financial assistance since State Fiscal Year 1991.