Springfield Water and Sewer Commission extends discount to low-income customers
SPRINGFIELD — A discount offered by the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission to low-income customers last year during the coronavirus pandemic is being offered again this year.
Applications are being accepted for the Customer Assistance Program for fiscal 2022.
Eligible and approved customers can receive a one-time, annual account credit of $125, aimed at assisting low-income, single-family homeowners with water and/or sewer accounts, according to program guidelines.
The CAP discount follows the LIHEAP guidelines for the state for heating fuel assistance, which is set at a household income of 60% of the state median income of below, based on household size, according to the commission. Customers can apply once per fiscal year.
The commission has retail water customers in Springfield and Ludlow, along with operating a regional wastewater treatment system.
“CAP eligibility follows the same guidelines as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), to streamline the application process and make it easy for Commission customers to apply,” the commission said in a news release.