
Four Vermont municipalities to receive ARPA funds for sewer infrastructure

Oct 26, 2021

Four Vermont communities will benefit from American Rescue Plan Act funds that will be used to address sewer overflows, Gov. Phil Scott has announced.

Scott said in a news release $10 million in ARPA funds will be awarded to Montpelier, Northfield, St. Johnsbury and Vergennes to implement high-priority projects to control combined sewer overflows.

“Investing in sewer and stormwater infrastructure is a top priority for my administration, because it’s good for both our environment and the economy,” Scott said in the release. “Investments like this can be transformative for municipalities, and it’s exactly the type of initiative we should be pursing with the rare opportunity this one-time federal funding provides.”


Combined sewer overflows happen during extreme storm events when stormwater runoffs overwhelms the town’s sewer system capacity, the news release said.

The governor said he has “recommended a total of $30 million in ARPA funding” be used to help municipalities “fast-track planned sewer overflow reduction projects,” citing they will decrease pollution in the state’s streams and lakes.

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