Vermont to decide how $100 million from ARPA for water projects should be spent
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources plans to invest about $100 million of American Rescue Plan Act coronavirus relief money in water infrastructure projects. There’s a public meeting this week about the types of funding available and about how to apply for it.
Municipalities, businesses and individual Vermonters can apply for shares of the money. The projects that get approved by the ANR for funding will have to address at least one of five high-priority areas: pre-treatment of wastewater, village water and sewer infrastructure, elimination of sewer overflows, treatment of stormwater runoff and replacement of wells or septic systems for homeowners.
That meeting will take place this Thursday, October 7, at 4:00 p.m. It’s expected to last for about an hour. The session will be conducted both in person at the ANR’s main office in Montpelier and virtually through contact information provided on this page.