
EPA Announces PFAS Rulemakings in Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Plan

Sep 15, 2021

EPA announced its Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15 in the September 14 Federal Register.  The Plan is published every two years to outline EPA’s planned studies and rulemakings related to effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) and pretreatment standards for industrial dischargers.  The Plan, an FAQ, and other documents are available on EPA’s website

In the Preliminary Plan, EPA announced rulemakings to control discharges of PFAS from two industrial categories.  The ELGs will be revised for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers (OCPSF) category for facilities manufacturing PFAS, and for the Metal Finishing category to address discharges from chromium electroplating facilities.  EPA also stated that it would continue its Multi-Industry PFAS Study, and that detailed studies would be initiated to examine PFAS discharges for landfills and for textile and carpet manufacturers.

EPA announced that it would also begin a rulemaking to address nutrient discharges for the Meat and Poultry Products Category, based on the results of its detailed study of the industry.  The Agency stated that it is in the process of completing its report on the detailed study of the Electrical & Electronic Components category, and next steps will be evaluated after the report is complete. 

Comments are on the Preliminary Plan are due October 14, and NACWA will work with its Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention Committee to submit comments by this date.  Please contact Cynthia Finley with any questions or comments regarding the Preliminary Plan. 

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