NACWA Releases Compendium on Utility Affordability and Low-Income Assistance Programs
NACWA is pleased to announce the release of a new publication, Addressing the Affordability of Water and Wastewater Services in the U.S. – Case Studies of Utility Affordability Programs and Rate Structures, that outlines examples of how public clean water utilities across the nation are trying to address affordability challenges in their communities.
The document, developed jointly with Moonshot Missions, seeks to highlight the wide array of successful low-income assistance programs being used by utilities around the country; to share best practices of low-income programs so that other utilities can replicate or adopt these efforts to address their own affordability challenges; and to emphasize that while low-income programs can be creative and helpful in addressing affordability concerns, they are not enough on their own to solve the problem and that greater federal investment is critical.
The compendium includes 20 cases studies from utilities around the country highlighting how utilities can use different rate structures and assistant program approaches to aid low-income ratepayers. It notes that while every utility program is somewhat unique, there are also key commonalities – especially around successful practices and challenges – across assistance programs.
NACWA thanks all of the utilities that participated in the case studies, along with Moonshot Missions for developing the document. Members with questions can contact Nathan Gardner-Andrews.