Service Authority Earns 12th Consecutive Regulatory Compliance Award
The Prince William County Service Authority’s H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility (Mooney AWRF) has now maintained a perfect wastewater compliance record for 12 successive years.
The plant earned its most recent Platinum Peak Performance Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for continuously meeting the treated wastewater standards set by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The H.L. Mooney AWRF will be recognized at NACWA’s 2021 Utility Leadership Virtual Event on July 20.
“Being able to adhere to all state and federal regulations for more than a decade makes the Mooney AWRF one of the premier treatment facilities in the United States,” said Process Engineer Maureen O’Shaughnessy. “It’s proof that the Service Authority staff operate the plant at an optimal level every day of the year, through hurricanes and pandemics, and take an immense amount of pride in doing their jobs that help preserve public health and our waterways.”