Rochester water plant awarded for performance
Rochester's Water Reclamation Plant has received a Gold Level Peak Performance Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies for the 22nd consecutive year. The award recognizes plants that have had no clean water violations in a calendar year.
“I am proud of the Water Reclamation Plant team and thank them for their service and hard work in protecting the city of Rochester’s water resources,” said Wendy Turri, Rochester's director of Public Works.
Turri started her career in 1982 as a laboratory technician at the Water Reclamation Plant and was the city's director of environmental services before being named as the Public Works director earlier this year.
The Rochester Water Reclamation Plant treats on average of 13 million gallons of wastewater per day, including all of the wastewater generated in Rochester. Crews work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.