
Harrisburg sewer authority will use $13 million loan to battle stormwater

Oct 21, 2019

To support their ongoing efforts to reduce the amount of untreated stormwater flowing into the Susquehanna River, officials at Harrisburg’s water and sewer authority will use a $13 million state loan to install green infrastructure throughout the city.

Officials at the municipal authority, Capital Region Water, announced their plans Thursday, explaining the low-interest loan from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority will help to offset costs related to a large-scale stormwater reduction plan currently underway in the city.

"On behalf of Capital Region Water’s Board of Directors, we wish to express our gratitude for the financial assistance provided through PENNVEST,” Capital Region Water CEO Charlotte Katzenmoyer said in a statement. "This funding will help Capital Region Water protect public health and the environment while offsetting the financial burden placed on our customers.”
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