
DC Water Taps AI and Cloud to Save Costs, Improve Infrastructure

Jul 29, 2019

DC Water is not a typical municipal water treatment facility by any standard. The independent authority supplies 99 million gallons of fresh water every day for residents, workers and visitors in Washington, D.C., and its surrounding environs. It manages 1,300 miles of pipes and 1,800 miles of combined sanitary sewers that feed wastewater into its Blue Plains wastewater treatment facility, the largest in the world. 

Tom Kuczynski, vice president of IT for District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, as DC Water is formally known, says that the infrastructure can be difficult to maintain, especially since some of the very old sewers are over 100 years old.

“We’re trying to figure out how to optimize service, improve the overall ability to serve and improve the customer experience, at a lower cost, while not adversely impacting the reliability of the system and ensuring the safe and reliable operating of the system,” he says.

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