Utilities May Qualify for Class Action Settlements
(May 29, 2019) - NACWA members that purchased liquid aluminum sulfate may qualify for either the Direct or Indirect Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Settlement. This litigation alleges that the leading manufacturers of liquid aluminum sulfate, commonly referred to as “Alum,” conspired to allocate territories, and/ or not compete for each other’s historical business by rigging bids, allocating customers and stabilizing the price of Alum sold in the United States between January 1, 1997 and February 18, 2011.
The settlement fund is currently $121,000,000 and the deadline to participate is June 13, 2019. If you wish to make a claim against the Settlement Funds, you will need to submit a Claim Form in order to be eligible to receive a payment from the Settlement.
Members may also qualify for a refund from the Payment Card Interchange Fee Class Action Settlement if your organization accepted VISA or MasterCard branded credit or debit cards between January 1, 2004 and January 24, 2019. This is a $5.54 - $6.24 billion settlement that alleges VISA, MasterCard and their issuing banks violated the law by setting excessive interchange fees for merchants. There is no claim filing deadline, but a fairness hearing is scheduled for November 7, 2019.
NACWA was contacted by Class Action Capital, a class action settlement claim management firm that specializes in the research, data collection, analysis and filing of complex class action settlement claims. NACWA is not affiliated with Class Action Capital and is not recommending or endorsing the firm. Members do not have to hire a third-party claims consultant, and are entitled to file a claim on their own without incurring any fee.
Class Action Capital will be discussing these settlements in greater detail during an upcoming webinar on Wednesday, June 5 at 12:30 PM EST. Members can reach out to Class Action Capital directly, by contacting Joshua Kerstein at josh@classactioncapital.com.