
Mayor Kenney Announces Appointment of Randy Hayman as Water Commissioner

May 14, 2019

PHILADELPHIA – Mayor Jim Kenney announced today the appointment of the next Philadelphia Water Commissioner, Randy E. Hayman. He will assume the post of Water Commissioner with the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) on June 24, 2019.

Hayman is currently a partner at the environmental law firm of Beveridge & Diamond, headquartered in Washington, DC. Previously, he served as general counsel for 15 years at two major water utilities, the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority and the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District.

As Water Commissioner, Hayman will take responsibility for managing all units and a staff of approximately 2,000 at the Water Department, which provides integrated water, wastewater, and stormwater services for the City of Philadelphia as well as some suburban wholesale clients.

Water Department Commissioner responsibilities include oversight of three drinking water treatment plants, three wastewater treatment plants, and a contract-operated biosolids facility. The Commissioner is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the 3,200 miles of water mains, 3,700 miles of sewers, 79,000 inlets, 25,000 fire hydrants and various pumping stations throughout the city.

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