Atmospheric Conditions and Impacts to Water Sector Major Discussion Topics at National Academy of Sciences
(December 11, 2018) - The Water Science and Technology Board and the Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate invited guests to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in Washington DC on November 29, for a robust discussion on Connecting Climate, Weather and Water: Status, Challenges, and Needs for Seasonal-to-Subseasonal Forecasting for Water Use and Management.
Known more commonly as “S2S,” seasonal-to-subseasonal forecasting is essentially the ability to predict weather beyond our existing 10-day forecast, to forecasting several months out.
Over the last two decades, technological improvements and a better understanding of modeling has allowed scientists to predict acute weather patterns with greater precision. If this precision could be extended to more long-term seasonal forecasting, water resource managers – especially in arid areas – could make better informed decisions on water supply and storage, aquifer recharge, mitigating CSO overflows, and more. As extreme weather events, such as atmospheric rivers (large water formations in the atmosphere), continue to challenge the western water sector, this NAS meeting connected academic experts with water utilities to discuss real time concerns and the need for increased research and development for S2S.
Contact Emily Remmel, NACWA regulatory director, for more information.