EPA Hosts Meeting on Full Spectrum of Membrane Uses and Needs

(October 16, 2018) - NACWA participated in a meeting - co-hosted by EPA’s Office of Water on October 9 - with the Water Environment Federation, the WateReuse Association, and the American Membrane Technology Association on “Membrane Water Treatment Technology Usage and Needs” in the United States.
The meeting focused on advancements in membrane technology specifically for desalination efforts in California, direct potable reuse in Big Springs, TX, as well as successful removal of PFOS/GenX from effluent in North Carolina. The meeting, which drew more than 30 attendees, successfully highlighted how membranes are used to address water quality and water quantity issues, and prompted a robust discussion among regulators, utilities, and technology experts regarding the challenges of funding, research and development, and regulatory barriers of membrane usage. Contact Emily Remmel for more information.