Apply to be Recognized Today!
Nominations are being accepted for the 2019 National Environmental Achievement Awards (NEAA) program. The NEAA program honors individuals and Member Agencies that havemade significant contributions through outstanding advocacy or innovative projects that positively impact the environment, their utility, their community, NACWA, and/or the water sector.
These special environmental achievement awards include honors for both individual and NACWA Member Agencies – including two new categories, Utility Leadership and Workforce Development. The complete list of categories for the NEAA Individual Achievement Awards includes: Public Service, Distinguished Service, Utility Leadership (NEW) and Environment. Member Agency NEAA categories are: Water Resources Utility of the Future, Research & Technology, Operations & Environmental Performance, Public Service, Public Information & Education, and Workforce Development (NEW). Nominations are due on Wednesday, September 26, 2018.
To apply or learn more about NACWA's 2019 National Environmental Achievement Awards programvisit our NEAA website.